Reducing Social Gaps with Zakat Infaq and Shadaqah Innovations in Kamrat Sholawat Busyro Pamekasan

Presenters: Iqbal Rafiqi, Achmad Jufri
Affiliation: Univesitas Al Amien Prenduan Sumenep
Room: 3

ICIES News- At the 4th International Conference on Islamic Economics Studies (ICIES) 2024, held in Room 3, Iqbal Rafiqi and Achmad Jufri from Universitas Al Amien Prenduan Sumenep presented their insightful research titled “Reducing Social Gaps with Zakat, Infaq, and Shadaqah Innovations in Kamrat Sholawat Busyro Pamekasan.” Their study sheds light on how Islamic financial principles are being innovatively applied to bridge social gaps within the Muslim community in Pamekasan.

The research addresses the pervasive social inequalities that arise from historical, economic, and systemic factors, resulting in significant disparities in access to education, healthcare, employment opportunities, and resources. In response to these challenges, the study highlights the vital role of Zakat, Infaq, and Shadaqah (ZIS) in reducing these social gaps.

Zakat, a mandatory form of charity calculated as a percentage of an individual’s wealth, is intended to purify wealth and ensure its fair distribution among those in need. Infaq, while voluntary and beyond the obligations of zakat, emphasizes generosity and virtue. These financial practices are rooted in the principles of Islamic economics and are essential for promoting social justice within Muslim communities.

Kamrat Sholawat Busyro, an organization in Pamekasan, has been at the forefront of utilizing ZIS to address social disparities. For over three years, the members of Kamrat Sholawat Busyro have voluntarily collected ZIS contributions on a weekly basis. The funds are then utilized to assist impoverished members of the community, organize Islamic religious celebrations, and support the financial needs of the local Tahfidz (Quran memorization) school.

The study, which employs qualitative field research methods, found that the innovative implementation of ZIS within Kamrat Sholawat Busyro has been well-received by both its members and the broader community. The tradition of regularly contributing to and benefiting from ZIS has fostered a sense of solidarity and mutual support, thereby reducing social gaps and enhancing communal well-being.

The presenters concluded that the success of Kamrat Sholawat Busyro in utilizing ZIS highlights the potential for similar initiatives in other communities. By leveraging the principles of Islamic finance, such initiatives can play a crucial role in addressing social inequalities and promoting sustainable development within Muslim societies.

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