Diseminasi PKM

ICIES 2024, FEBI UIN Raden Mas Said Lecturers Showcase Community Service Projects at International Dissemination Event

ICIES News| The Lecturers of FEBI UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta participated in the “International Dissemination Community Service” event as part of the 4th International Conference on Islamic Economics (ICIEs) held on Wednesday, July 24, 2024. Four FEBI Lecturer attended this dissemination activity. The four lecturer are: (1) Ade Setiawan, M.Ak, a lecturer in the Sharia Accounting (AKS), who presented a community service project titled “Use of Electronic Money to Facilitate MSMEs Financial Transactions,” (2) Adhelia Desi Prawestri, M.Akun, a lecturer in the Sharia Accounting (AKS), who presented a community service project titled “Management of Bookkeeping for MSMEs in The BMT Mazaya Cluster to Realize an Entity Unit in Business,” (3) M. Rofiq Junaidi, M.Hum, a lecturer in the Sharia Business Management (MBS), who presented a community service project titled “Increasing Awareness of Halal Certification for MSME Actors,” and (4) Resmi Dewatie, SE., ME, a lecturer at FEBI UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta, who presented a community service project titled “The Role Of Entrepreneurs In Developing Islamic Study Groups In Surakarta (Case Study of Humaira Study Group)”

This dissemination forum for community service results is a highly valuable occasion, especially for the FEBI lecturer at UIN Raden Mas Said, as it provides an opportunity for them to share various innovations and ideas presented in their community service projects at a forum attended by international speakers and participants. It is hoped that this dissemination will inspire and contribute to the community not only at the local and national levels but also at the international level.

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